peer reviewed publications/

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journal articles //

  1. Nandagiri, R., & Pizzarossa, L. B. (2023). Transgressing biomedical and legal boundaries: The “enticing and hazardous” challenges and promises of a Self-Managed Abortion multiverse. Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 100, p. 102799). Pergamon. [Open Access]

  2. Freeman, C., & Nandagiri, R. (2023). No 'bad' abortions: Graphic narratives as abortion discourse. MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, (10). [Open Access]

  3. Nandagiri, R. (2021). What’s so troubling about ‘voluntary’ family planning anyway? A feminist perspective. Population Studies, 75(1), 221-234. [Open Access]

  4. Nandagiri, R., & Pizzarossa, L. B. (2021). Self-managed abortion: a constellation of actors, a cacophony of laws? Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 23-30. [Open Access]

  5. Nandagiri, R., Coast, E., & Strong, J. (2020). COVID-19 and Abortion: Making Structural Violence Visible. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46(1), 83-89. [Open Access]

  6. Stoilova, M., Livingstone, S., and Nandagiri, R. (2020). Digital by default: children’s capacity to understand and manage online data and privacy. Media and Communication. 8(4), 197-207. [Open Access]

  7. Nandagiri, R. (2019). “Like a mother-daughter relationship”: Community health intermediaries’ knowledge of and attitudes to abortion in Karnataka, India. Social Science and Medicine. 239, 112525. [link]

  8. Stoilova, M., Nandagiri, R., & Livingstone, S. (2019). Children’s understanding of personal data and privacy online – a systematic evidence mapping, Information, Communication & Society.  [link]

  9. Nandagiri, R. (2012). The politics of being “young”: Is a “youth” category really necessary for “development”? Feminist Africa. 17, 114-121. [link]

book chapters //

  1. Strong, J., Coast, E., Nandagiri, R. (2023). Abortion, Stigma, and Intersectionality. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer, Cham. [link]

  2. Strong, J., Nandagiri, R., Randall, S., & Coast, E. (2023). Qualitative research in demography: marginal and marginalised. In How to Conduct Qualitative Research in Social Science (pp. 147). [link]

  3. Nandagiri, R. (2022), "‘I Feel Like Some Kind of Namoona’: Examining Sterilisation in Women's Abortion Trajectories in India", Boydell, V. and Dow, K. (Ed.) Technologies of Reproduction Across the Lifecourse (Emerald Studies in Reproduction, Culture and Society), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 29-47. [link]

  4. Livingstone, S., Stoilova, M., & Nandagiri, R. (2020). Data and privacy literacy: The role of the school in educating children in a datafied society. The Handbook of Media Education Research, 413-425. [link]

  5. Nandagiri, R. (2017). Post-what? Global advocacy and its disconnects: the Cairo legacy and the post-2015 agenda. In: Harcourt, Wendy, (ed.) Bodies in Resistance: Gender and Sexual Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism. Gender, Development and Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, UK, pp. 235-249. ISBN 9781137477798 [link]

reports //

  1. Nandagiri, R. (2023). 8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The case for rights and choices. UNFPA, New York. [contributor, chapter two]

  2. Singh, S., Juarez, F., Machiyama, K., & Nandagiri, R. (2023). Methodologies for Measuring Pregnancy Intention and Unintended Pregnancy and Birth: Summary Report on an IUSSP Scientific Workshop.