in preparation/

articles, reports, & other writing projects currently in the pipeline.

  1. A co-authored research article revisits the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development to critically examine the alliances forged then and their impact on sexual and reproductive rights today. [under revision for re-submission, second author]

  2. An invited contribution to a volume, this chapter expands on the bioethical and legal concept of proportionality by applying it to abortion telemedicine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the chapter, we argue that to assess proportionality of abortion telemedicine as an intervention, we must first understand abortion access & restrictions in non-pandemic conditions. [forthcoming, expected publication early 2024, second author]

  3. Building on the concept of “reproductive governance”, I offer a critical re-reading of India’s abortion and population policies. [single authored]

  4. As part of a team, I am lead author on an article exploring the impact of COVID-19 on abortion access in Poland. [drafted, co-authored]

  5. Another co-authored piece (second author), we reflect on the how troubling assumptions and ideas that underpin contemporary LARC programmes. [submitted in Oct 2023]